Friday, February 26, 2010

Oh Yes!


f/1.8  1/3200 ISO 100

I love flowers.  I love the Japanese fruit trees that always bloom so early.  It is giving me hope that Spring will be here soon, I mean I do live in NC for a reason ( close #1 is SHORT winters!). 

I was inspired to visit the JC Raulston Arboretum today for a few reasons : 

1. A close family member recently passed away.  She loved flowers.  She always said to stop and smell the flowers.  I did this for her today.

2. I missed a photo walk this weekend at this very location.  I saw a few photos from this walk, and just couldn’t wait to photograph the blooms!

It was 33 degrees outside and very, very windy.  I was an ice cube.  I lasted about 1/2 hour, but got some shots that I really love.  I love this one because it almost looks like I painted the background.  And I didn’t photoshop that in at all! 

I will share more of them soon.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let It Snow!

Feb25 copy web 


f/1.8  1/200  ISO400

The snow was perfect timing for me today ~ woke up on the wrong side of the bed, didn’t feel like facing the day, let alone the ‘morning rush’ with three children!  Looked out the window and felt like a child again.  Big, fluffy, soft flakes. Love it!  However, as much as I love snow, I would love to see Spring even more ;)

We accumulated close to an inch, but it was the perfect snow day - it all melted before noon!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010




f/1.8  1/160  ISO1600  no flash

I’ve lived this scenerio several times in the past weeks… it’s dinnertime, sun is setting (I’m not a fan of speedlight), and I haven’t taken a photo for the day yet.  I hate when this happens.  I hate having to rush about and find something to take a photo of.  Luckily I have many subjects to choose from, but I’m ready to branch out! 

I may just jump on one of these 365 group bandwagons, and have a weekly theme chosen for me.  I didn’t think I’d need to, but maybe I do.  I have a sticky note on my desk with my own weekly theme ideas… I may just follow that.  I’m a bit indecisive, can you tell?!

If you have (or have not!) been inspired by a 365 group, I’d love to hear about it.  Thanks!


Web Sharpening Test

Feb23rd 1


Feb23rd 1 web

With *FREE* MCP Actions High Definition Sharpening  Action @ 50% (maybe could have gone a little higher).  Loving it!  I love it because I can adjust the amount of sharpening, and mask any areas that I don’t want to sharpen. 


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I’m in Love


Feb23rd web

f/2.5  1/400 ISO 100 no flash

I love this girl.  She truly smiles from the inside out.  I love her lashes.  Her willingness to pluck all the petals from my V-day roses, and lay in them so that I may photograph her.  And most of all I love that last front tooth that is literally hanging by a thread (and sideways!)

I am not happy with this web sharpening look.  Her eyes got much darker.  Over-sharpened.  How do you sharpen & prep your photos for you blog? Any advice?  Thanks!


I Heart Faces Photo Challenge : Hands

IHF  Hands web 

I had big plans for a photo shoot of my 3 children’s hands, but time got away from me this week!  I searched my recent photos and found this one of my 11 year old holding her 2 week old nephew.  I cropped it so that we had hands, and I left the foot because it is so sweet and new … and personally, I love the newness of newborn dry skin.  Not to mention the habitual chewed off nails of my daughter ;)

There are SO many breathtaking hand images this week at I Heart Faces … please take some time to see atleast a few!


Monday, February 22, 2010

New Age Ant Farm


Shot on Auto Mode by accident! f/5.6 1/60th ISO100 external flash sb600  I used MCP Actions again to sharpen for web, but I am not liking the way this photo looks at all!   I may try to mess around with it tomorrow… although it’s Tuesday volunteer day at school, so probably not!  Chalk one up!

What happened to the classic dirt ant farm? Now it’s neon green gel that contains all the nutrients an ant could need.  No need to feed.  Heck, that’s the fun part!


Sunday, February 21, 2010


Feb20th web 

f/4.0  1/320  ISO200 no flash

Teaching our puppy to walk on a leash, so that when we make the 12+ hour drive to south Florida with him in March, he will not be totally miserable!

Feb21st web 

f/4.5  1/800  ISO800  no flash

It was a beautiful & warm afternoon.  Kids had friends over.  They wanted to try to get a picture of the stuffed animal kitty flying over my youngest (not sure what the stick & fabric is all about!).  Strange request, but I was up for a photography challenge anyway! I tell you, kids in the electronic age :)


Friday, February 19, 2010

Mom - One Hand!

Feb19th Feb19th web resize sharpen

f/2.5  1/640  ISO800  (taken in low light around 5pm) no flash                                                                                                      Processed with curves to lighten, sharpen & my new lovely textures (Halo 100% and Batik 66%) from my new fav ,          Jessica Drossin.

Don’t you just love the good old fashioned games? We are all so happy for the weekend… especially since it will be warm enough to play outside without a coat!  Horseshoes, jump rope, and chalk… here we come!

I posted these two pics side by side for a reason.  I have been seeing quite a difference between the results I see from Photoshop, and the results posted on my blog.  In photoshop they are vivid  - once posted here, well, blah.  Yes, I am definitely figuring out this photo-blogging thing one day at a time!  Lovin’ this 365 project!

I looked through my actions list, and found a resize and sharpen for web action from MCP Actions.    It is called Baby Bear resize and sharpen for web from the Quickie Collection.  Oh my gosh.  What a difference!! (and it’s the ONLY difference)The photo on the right actually looks what I want it to look like AND it is a much smaller file, which I suppose is a good thing so that if someone decides to ‘steal’ my photo, they won’t be able to do much with it.

Happy Weekend ;)


Thursday, February 18, 2010



f/1.8  1/400  ISO1600  flash not fired

My son & Willis.  So happy together.  There’s a strange reason that my son’s ears are so clean these days :)


f/7.1  1/250 ISO 100

Lake Johnson Lanai.  Quiet.  Cozy.  One of my favorite places to be.  Can you tell from this photo that it was really cold & windy today? 


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Through the Roses


f2.8   1/60  ISO400 (raised the ISO to get a faster shutter speed )  No flash fired – morning light through the window

My oldest.  She’ll read to you as long as you let her.  She loves to read to the younger two while they’re eating breakfast (:


Monday, February 15, 2010

The Rose


Photo Data:  35mm f1.8  1/40th (got lucky- normally I need atleast a 1/60th shutter speed to avoid a ‘soft’ photo)                  no flash fired

I have challenged my children to think of creative ways to use my beautiful Valentine’s roses in my photos for this blog. (takes a little stress off of me – why not?!)  Stay tuned to see what we/they come up with tomorrow!


I Heart Faces Photo Challenge - “I Wanna Dance!”

DSC_1578 Bw 

I knew immediately which photo I was going to use for this contest!  All I can say is we were baking cookies, listening to Christmas music, and possibly sipping a mimosa.  I was playing with the settings on my camera, and ended up with this! 

Turn up the radio, and head on over to I Heart Faces for more dancing fun!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day


Each child gets a giant kiss from Mommy (:  Sad to say my youngest has the tummy bug today.  She was QUITE concerned about not having the appetite for chocolate today (she IS the “Sugar Queen”!) – I told her not to worry, we’ll save it for her ;)

Have a LOVEly day


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Day


I’ve been wanting to take photos near this abandoned shed/house/barn for a while.  It was quite pleasurable to wander around and look for different angles.  Didn’t have this one in mind at all when I got there, but I really like it.


I cannot wait to take my kids out here for a photo – what an excellent back drop!  And oh so close to my house. 

Just so you know, I am working on getting my ducks in a row, so that I may share some of my editing info with you in near-future posts. 


Getting Caught Up ~


My girl’s 11th birthday.  Holding her almost two week old nephew.  Fellow Aquarians.  They were very much at peace with each other.


Touring a very chilly windy city!  If you haven’t been, please at some point (preferrably summertime!) visit Millennium Park.  A beautiful space nestled amongst the tall city buildings.  Lovely, even in the dead of winter.


Baby Rex = Pure sweetness!  My first newborn photo shoot, and I loved every single second of it.   It helps to have such a cooperative subject!

CHI_0077 BW

He fell asleep at the end – we surely tired him out.

Now sadly, I do not have a photo for February 9th.  I was not up to documenting my experience with the stomach flu!!  Hope that doesn’t disappoint you :)


Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb. 11 & 12


I read somewhere that to capture nice eye catch lights, have your subject facing a white wall i.e. garage door!  Worked pretty well I must say.  The only editing on this photo was sharpening.  Love that natural creamy skin… ahh, to be six again!


Today the kids had V-Day parties in school.  We made our own this year…. for the first time ever… !  The kids said their friends were excited to get something homemade and useful – seriously? I wonder if that’s true or not!

Tomorrow I will blog the dates that I was in Chicago.  Too tired now.  Must figure out a better blogging schedule than before bedtime.

Oh, and it’s snowing here… again…hooray!  More snow photos tomorrow if all doesn’t melt before we get going.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We’re Back


And unfortunately we’re sick too.  Got home late Monday night, woke up Tuesday with a tummy bug.  Me & my travel partner.  Hopefully no one else in the house will catch it.

Had a wonderful time in Chicago… can’t wait to blog more photos!  Did my first newborn photo shoot with my 2 week old nephew – he was an angel :)

Off to get more rest…


Friday, February 5, 2010

Basketball & Almost Birthday


I’m a proud Momma.


I’m a proud Momma of a girl that turns 11 tomorrow!  Celebrated early at GMa’s house tonight, as we are leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning for Chicago!  On the agenda :

1. Hold brand new baby cousin.  A lot.

2. Photograph brand new baby cousin.  A lot.

3. Shop the American Girl Doll store.

4. Sightsee & eat lots of deep dish pizza.

5. Relax and bond ;)

Most likely I will not be blogging while I’m gone, so see you back here in a few days! Have a great weekend.


Thursday, February 4, 2010



“I didn’t chew on the rug.  Really, I didn’t.”


What to do on our THIRD snow day?  Start making Valentines! This was a fun project.   Although, we didn’t have as many peeled & old crayons as I thought (3 kids times 24 students… you do the math!).  Needless to say, I lost several fingernails peeling crayons!


BACK to school today – whoot!  A one hour delay… just enough time to play a video game or two.


Trying to put on a sad face for me…. attempting to capture the classic ‘I’m sad the snowman melted’ photo…


Didn’t work! Laugh fest! 


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another Snow Day

Another day off school.  And yet we couldn’t play in the snow.  It rained all day long.  34 and raining.  Yuck. 

My youngest found her dress-up bin, and spun circles for my viewing pleasure!


I am trying to play around with textures more.  I really like the vintage look of this photo.  I don’t remember exactly which textures I used (will make note for next time), but I do know they’re from the gorgeous Florabella collection. 


Monday, February 1, 2010

Once a Year

Once a year it is February 1st.  I am really happy that it’s February… that means spring is around the corner here in NC!


Once (or maybe twice) a year we eat fried spam for breakfast.  Doesn’t it look yummy?!!!  My children were very thirsty today, and I wonder why.


About once a year we get to make a snowman.  This lucky guy has hair.  Don’t you love that the branch is already budding?  After all, it was 60 degrees a few days ago!


A Classic


This is my son & the sled that my husband used as a child. 


I wonder if the sleds made these days will last for 40+ years?
