Well, it’s really Monday as I type BUT we were so happy it was Friday.
No getting up early. What a difference an hour or more of sleep can make!
Well, it’s really Monday as I type BUT we were so happy it was Friday.
No getting up early. What a difference an hour or more of sleep can make!
f/1.4 1/640 ISO320
This one. Would rather be home with me than go to school.
How to cheer her up? Take some pictures (:
6th grade. Sigh.
4th grade. Whew.
2nd grade. Not a baby anymore. No sir!
Good think I’M not getting any older (:
And not a nerve in the house!
This girl was so happy and excited it just blew me away. New friends. Big school. No worries!
f/2.0 1/160th ISO100
f/1.4 1/200th ISO 100 no flash
My new mission – practice shooting ‘wide open’. Love soft window light.
The golden glow on her head is from the top bunk. I like what it adds to the shot.
Her ‘new room’ is decorated in many shades of pink, with a touch of purple. Why do little girls love those colors?!
Purple pony from before she can remember ;)
Thursday? Really?
Kids started school yesterday and I feel like I haven’t even had a chance to catch my breath!
(Although I am quite guilty of a massage and lunch date with a girlfriend today)
Spent a huge chunk of my day, between (and during!) carpool and cooking dinner, watching Jasmine Star on Creative Live.
If you don’t know who she is, please take a moment to look at her amazing blog HERE.
She is teaching/shooting a five day FREE course through Creative Live. Tomorrow she will shoot a wedding and the live feed will show the whole thing. Awesome!
Today I saw her shoot a ‘first look’. Gave me chicken skin. Amazing to say the least.
Anyway, back to blogging and trying to catch this thing up to date!
Oldest daughter loves the American Girl Magazine. This recipe called for skewered frozen grapes, rolled in lemon juice and then brown sugar. They were quite delicious, and perfect on a warm evening.
Popsicles and bike riding. Going to miss summer.
It’s been a while since I’ve participated in a photo challenge. No excuses really, just life.
I couldn’t pass up this one though.
I love the beach. My family loves the beach.
I find peace and harmony at the beach. The rhythm of the waves & the sting of salt on my skin.
My kids get along at the beach (:
Here’s a favorite moment I captured of my son. I just love the end of day sun glow on his hair.
Lot of fabulous photos at I Heart Faces this week ~ head over and enjoy!
Don’t you love a warm summer night? A night when friends that haven’t seen each other in a long while come together.
A night of good music, dancing and laughter.
Decided to get our big girl a new bed – full sized – so now we have a comfy place for guests to sleep!
A BIG dream come true for this girl ;)
Somehow she asked enough times that one of us said yes to this …
AND to top off the perfectly crazy day…
Doesn’t get much better than a chocolate dipped soft serve cone on a warm summer night.
Last year I gathered my oldest daughter’s best friends for a nice, long, end of summer day at our pool.
They loved it so much, we did it again this year.
These girls have been together in the same school since Kindergarten. This year they will head off to FIVE different middle schools.
All beautiful and bright young ladies, through and through.
My son was also with us, and one of his pals.
“Take a picture of us two”
Don’t you know little miss camera loving sis had to get in on the photo – lol!
(I’m proud of this shot – extreme back lighting in the rain – not easy!)
Goggle-eyed picture hog!
Friday the 13th. What better day to head to the beach?
This time, no kids. Love ‘em, but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
View from Marriott corner room suite.
But of course ;)
And a few of these delicious drinks later….
Wish my D60 had higher ISO options for this shot. But I still love it.
On top of everything else, we’ve decided to move our spaces around so that my oldest (moody pre-teen) daughter can have her own room :)
My son has become #1 helper this summer.
He worked hard in the heat of the day to clean out the webs from the old file cabinet in the garage.
mmmm…. love me some big brown eyes ;)
Hello out there! Yes, I’ve been taking pictures. No, I haven’t been a good blogger.
As much as it bugs me that this blog is so far behind, it has been a good lesson for me.
Priorities. Priorities.
I’m excited that my blog will be a priority again soon (:
As much as I’m not a huge football fan, I love football season.
I love to see my son sit down with his bag of chips and be really into the game!
And BEST of all, football season means fall weather. NC has glorious fall weather.
Oh, to open my windows and let the fresh air flow through my house … can’t wait!!
Hello again my blog – I miss you!
One more week until the kids go back to school. Seriously?
So, we have play dates and pool dates and lunch dates galore for the next days – trying to fit it all in. Sigh.
However, as much as I will miss our lazy mornings and lack of homework, I am excited to get have more time to follow my photography passion… so very excited!
My mother-in-law celebrated her 77th over here last week. My husband cooked the entire dinner, and my 11yr old made the cake. I attended the party, and it was just lovely to sit and talk quilting (another passion of mine) & such with Ma.
Have a great day!
It’s been a while since I’ve participated in Fix it Friday.
Life Happens.
This little guy just plain adorable, and I love the way his eyes sparkle.
This week I decided to think outside of my norm, and add a texture. If you’ve never been to Shadow House Creations, do yourself a favor and take a visit. Jerry is amazing and offers all of his textures, brushes & more for free!
Here’s the before photo:
Really cute capture ;)
I didn’t do too much to this photo ; curves to brighten, TRA sharpen, crop & texture.
Not really in love with the texture + BW, but it’s time to head out to the pool to meet up with our friends!
For more editing, head on over to I Heart Faces, and check it out!
Been gone to KY to visit my family. I had full intentions of blogging while gone but, well, what can I say? I chose to play at the pool with the kids, and talk with my folks, over sitting at the computer!
It was a nice break, but I’m ready to get the ball rolling again.
Here are two shots from our last day in KY. We were visiting a quaint town called La Grange. They are one of the few cities left in America that has a train going down the middle of main street. It is quite impressive – photos of that to come soon too.
Little did we know it was farmer’s market day. Loved it – love fresh, local produce.
Me & E.
(not sure why i’m holding my camera that way!)
More soon…