Sunday, September 26, 2010

catchin’ up!

Had an interesting photo shoot yesterday – lots of children, and my jokes just weren’t that good.  BUT I’ve culled the shots and think I got a few momma will like … fingers crossed!

Busy week coming up – heading out Thursday morning for a long weekend (for my bday) on Ocracoke. Just. Can’t. Wait.

Here’s my daily photos up until today – YEAH I’m caught up!!



Some days I really want to be him (:









Scoping out Fletcher Park for a shoot in two weeks.  Quite a beautiful spot!  Clients requested their family shoot here, since they were married on the steps of this historical house.  And now they have 3 children under 3!









Have to wake her up every school morning.  She’ll sleep 12 hrs still if I let her!










Do you remember my shot this past spring, the heart shadow on the magnolia? (It’s in my blog header slideshow)

Low and behold, another natural heart has appeared.  Autumn heart.









On her way to her first middle school dance.  Holy Moly time flies. 








Grand re-opening of Hillsborough Street party.  Home of the original barrel monster.  Meet the barrel she-monster!








Driving home from church today,  youngest wants me to teach her how to ‘see the light’ like I talk about.  So we chat about open shade and such.  I said “see there’s a great spot with open shade, and near sun so it’s bright”. 

The girls convinced me stop by the house and grab my camera, we threw some props (and boots!) in the car and we headed back to this old metal shop. 

It’s my hidden gem … and best part it’s less than a mile from my house!




Have a wonderful Monday!  I’m looking forward to delivering three print orders that have arrived in the last few days, as well as finishing up edits on my crazy Saturday shoot.  Oh, and a hair cut Tuesday too!



Friday, September 24, 2010

a plethora part 2


I remember having these curlers as a girl and loving them.  That’s probably why I bought them.  So my straight & fine hair headed daughters can feel the thrill of curls!!!



She had slept in the curlers too.  She wanted the smallest ones so her hair would be extra curly.  Well, she looked curlier than Shirley Temple and begged me to straighten it!  “No time honey – we have to catch the bus.”  So we put it up and it looked lovely ;)






There’s a new frozen yogurt place in town called Marmelade Skies.  Self serve, and probably over 100 toppings?  Delicious!!!

Tough for kids to not over indulge, tough for parents who have to pay by the pound for it! 


Something so nice about a warm evening, ice cream and a bench ;)








Went for a walk in the dusty dirty field beside us.   Nature can be so forgiving!







sep18th Youngest won a statewide award for her Rainbow Fish artwork!   Super proud parents are we.

Not only did we get to have a posh lunch at a fancy hotel, but she got a plaque AND a check!



Have a great weekend – hopefully I’ll catch up the rest tomorrow~



a plethora of things!

Wowsa I’ve been one busy person.  School has started up and I’ve taken the plunge into my photography business!  I’m enjoying every second of it, and am lucky enough to say that people are seeking me out to take their photos.  (Oh, and they’re paying me too!)


I’m not a perfectionist, but I want to build my business what I see as ‘the right way’.  Which means a LOT of time implementing ideas and procedures that I’ve envisioned for my business.  This is a bit challenging for me, as I am not the most organzied person.  I’m trying to be. 


I am spending A LOT of time in front of the computer.  I am lucky that my family is 100% supportive and excited about this venture!  By the way, I have started my facebook fan page so please take a visit … Kathy Howard Photography.  I’d love to hear from you!


I haven’t given up on this blog, as it is where I started and where I continue to grow.  I just may not update it every day, as my business requires my time elsewhere.  But I am still taking pictures every day (well, almost!) and do plan on fulfilling my 365 pledge that will take me to the end of this year.  Selfishly I do this, as I cannot wait to put together a coffee table book titled “2010 – A Year in Pictures”!


So here’s an attempt to catch up on atleast one week before I break for lunch and run errands!



Oops – undated and unbranded!  This is from Sep. 10th.  Dressed up for a costume birthday party.



Sep. 11th.  Oak Island Shoot.  More eyelashes (;




My son’s 9th birthday party at our pool.  Last day of the pool season as well!


Looks like my baby boy :)



Received air pellet gun ( I think that’s what you call it) for a gift.  He loves target practice.  I told  him if  he (or should I say WHEN) misbehaves I may have to use it on him … maybe I’m not joking…LOL!


The way boys bond.


More shots in the next post … thanks for making it this far!



Friday, September 17, 2010

Senior Girls Sneak Peek – Oak Island, NC.

Last weekend I had the privilege to travel to a beautiful place to take pictures of beautiful girls. 

It was a whirlwind trip – up at sunrise Saturday morning (which I don’t mind with a cup of coffee!) and a 3 hr roadtrip to the beach.  Love to drive to the beach! 

Arrive at beach house and pick outfits/play dress up for a while (:

Head out to lunch with the mommas while the young ladies got all purty, and scouted out locations.

Mid-afternoon  headed out with a van full of clothes and girls and had a total blast! (never mind the ‘old men’ fishermen oogling while I’m trying to shoot  – made for great photos anyway!)


Amazing, smart & talented young ladies.  They’re most definitely going places.


DSC_0139 high pass sharp BW



DSC_0129 sharp BW



DSC_0158 sharp

friends since age 3.


DSC_0278 sharp1 BW

DSC_0284 hp sharp BW

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DSC_0422 sharp

love the end of day light.




AND the shot that gave me goosebumps the minute I saw it…


DSC_0362 sharp1

may need a big print of this one.  definitely.



p.s. behind on my daily photos … been busy shooting … more updates coming soon!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Fix it Friday #70


This little girl is the daughter of Amy Locurto, one of the founders of  the fabulous site & resource I Heart Faces.

Definitely a little angel – love her big brown eyes!

fif 70

I’m not sure what it is these days, but more often than not photos are screaming black and white to me!

Here’s my ‘fix’ :

fif 70 BW 

My process :

1. Curves to bring up midtones.

2. Magic Sharp x 2.  First time 100%.  Masked the skin with 40% brush.   Second time 12%.  (The eyes really needed it)

3. B&W Action by Lolly

4. Crop

That’s all folks~ Happy Friday!



Happy 9th Birthday My Son!


I could write something sappy, but I will refrain.

He is absolutely as sweet and lovable as the day he was born (:




f/2.0   1/125   ISO640

Most excellent guitar clock from Mema and Grandpa!

(for photogs – I spot metered and adjusted my settings about 3 times before it came out how I wanted)

Happy Friday ~  I’m off to the beach to photograph two seniors tomorrow – can’t wait!



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Someone is Having a Birthday Tomorrow!

And I’m caught up (with the blog, anyway) for the first time in months – yahoooo!

(Sorry no photo on the 7th.  Life happens!)





Labor Day on the Lake

Been a while since we’ve taken the boat out to the lake.  Boy was it nice!



Riding with the windows down … movie star in the back seat (:





Best seat in the house!






Maybe we should take advice from our children more often.

“When someone makes you mad, look at them upside down”




Wolfpack Football

Managed to find several free tickets to the season opener this past weekend – it was fun to bring the kiddos.

Breezy low humidity day – just lovely.  Ribs and shrimp and chips – yum!



I gave the kids a package of temporary tattoos, and they went crazy with them!





“I’m a boy.  Tattoos on the face are for girls”





Huge open sidewalk, great for scootering.  Can you see her beet red face?!




Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Friday Night Fun

It was such a pretty evening.  Light breeze (thanks to hurricane Earl) and comfortable temps.

We ended up hitting the Krispy Kreme drive-through, and heading out to hear some live music at a kid friendly venue.  Too bad none of  my pics are of the venue! 

I’m on an eye kick again…



f/3.5  1/640  ISO400 





f/1.8  1/160  ISO 200




f/1.8   1/200  ISO400



Friday, September 3, 2010


Here it is, a new month.  Wowsa!

Life is chugging right along.  Kids in school, and I’m working hard to establish my new photography endeavor.

Now, if the cooler weather would just get here soon … looks like we’re in the 90’s for another week coming.  This heat is just not inspiring!!


Our 90lb puppy (:



What Sunday’s are For



Either blowing the grass OFF of the sidewalk,

or blowing the grass onto the sidewalk.

It’s all good (:




Fix it Friday #69

Original picture taken by the fabulous Rachel Durik.

Picture OF the fabulous Rachel Durik!

(I had the pleasure of attending her very first un-Workshop a few months ago.  Fantastic!)


BEFORE:  (I love this photo!)





Gorgeous colors, but I felt in a B&W mood.

Here’s what I did

1. Curves layer to boost midtones

2. Magic Sharp

3. Soft & Silky B&W by Lolly 

4. Slight vignette


Have a great weekend!!!




Monday Morning

I love school days for many reasons.  One being my children are not allowed to watch TV before school, and they’re okay with that.  What do they do? They read.  I love them to read!


Rented a fish-eye lens for my band photo shoot.  Had to play with it one more time before returning it!



Two Shoots in One Day!


Yup, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Completely different.

AM : Beautiful family.  Sweet and kind children.  Wonderful!

Not done editing yet, but this is one of my favorites so far.




PM: A band with five fabulous guys who ROCKED it!

(I advised them to practice in the mirror… and I think they took my advice!)
Had SO much fun getting ‘grungy’ with these guys – I love love urban areas to photograph.

Will post a slideshow of the images as soon as it’s done… but for now, here’s a fav


