What an incredible experience it was to assist the very talented Todd Nichols with this wedding. I definitely learned a lot, and gained a lot of confidence which will be quite useful for the wedding I am shooting in November!!!
I have a full blog post up on my site … click HERE. I apologize for sending you over there, but I honestly don’t have enough time to do both and will most likely stop posting here the end of the year. I’ll keep you ‘posted’!
I assisted 90% of the time, and got to shoot the other 10%. Yes, I wanted to shoot (a LOT) more, but I was also able to absorb what was going on without any pressures.
Here are my two favorite images that I captured:
This was taken right before entering the ceremony. Since there were no side isles in the ceremony room, Todd asked me to catch these pre-walking down the isle moments. YES I was nervous, but pretty pleased with the image.
I also got to shoot at the reception, which was kind of hard because of the set-up of the room. The table of honor was long, thin & directly in front of the dance floor. And there was a wall behind it! It was also hard not to jump out there and start dancing
I creatively cropped this image of Pat Day and his very very sweet mother, to remove a lot of distracting elements from the background:
Aren’t they adorable?
Next up I am second shooting a wedding with the fabulous Rachel Durik of Savor Photography at the Ritz Carlton Naples. I am way beyond exited for this … I’m pretty sure you all know how much I like shooting on the beach!
Well, that’s about a full blog post. I got chatty … lol!
Have a great Wednesday evening ya’ll … off to the bus stop I go.