Monday, March 1, 2010

A Very Sad Day

 Feb28th web

f/4.5   1/200   ISO100

Denver, NC.  Great Grandma Callie’s funeral.  103 years and 2 months of life.  Lucid and smiling until the end ;)

We drove up Sunday morning.  Changed clothes at Grandma’s house.  Ready to go stand in the greeting line.  I don’t think any Momma is prouder than me.  My children smiled & shook hands with many strangers for 45+ minutes, no complaints.

Feb28th_1 web

f/7.1  1/200  ISO100

I didn’t take many photos.  I took this one when the service was over.  Serene.  Surreal.

Feb28th_2 web

f/4.5   30second shutter!  ISO100

Driving home after a long, sad day.  The moon was low and full over Lake Norman.  Magical.  Hubby pulled car over so that we could breath & reset for the drive home.  Take a picture he said.  I don’t have a tripod I said.  Balance it on a rock he said.  I used my remote to avoid camera shake, since I knew the shutter would be open for a long time.  Not bad results.  I wish the moon was as clear as it looked that night. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your sad day. :(

    The boats on the water are gorgeous. The lighting, still water and reflections all add to the mood. I love it.
