Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Heart Faces Photo Contest : Scenic B&W

It’s been a while since I’ve entered one of these contests ~ I really do enjoy viewing other entries, and most times find quite a bit of image inspiration as well.

Took this shot Sunday, on our drive home from Louisville.  Traffic was standstill in Wytheville, VA, so we decided to detour via some back roads.  So glad we did.  Saw some beautiful sights – so refreshing! 
We decided to get out and stretch and play for a bit, considering our normally 9 hour drive was easily turning into 11 or 12.  (Took us 11.5!)
Saw some hay bales, and this fabulous old house & car.  I seriously could have stayed for hours, but we were on a 5 minute mission, so here’s what I got :


Head on over to I Heart Faces to see more B&W scenery!



  1. This is a great picture! Love the trees shadow!


  2. Great shot - I love your composition!

  3. This is great Kathy! Great idea in traveling and shooting along the way. I'm going to try this on my next venture home to VA...we'll see how my husband likes it!

    GREAT picture!

  4. Wow...Kathy! You were kinda in my new neck of the woods.....Raleigh to here! Quite the culture shock! LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic! I need to take a drive!
