Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello 10 days later!

I do realize the length between my posts is getting longer and longer… I apologize for that!  I will get back on track one of these days!

We’ve been up to lots. 

I got my yearly illness, and it took me down hard for many days. I am happy to report that I have finished my antibiotics, and have started back to running again.  My sanity needs the running as much as my waistline does!


I was lucky enough to lose my fever before I headed to SW Florida for a girls weekend with my sisters and Momma.  It was chilly… 39 degrees at sunrise one morning?  Just crazy.  But besides the cool temps, the company was relaxing – it is rejuvenating to have good quality family time Smile



fla 1



We did manage to make it to the beach one afternoon when the temps topped in the upper 60’s … the sunshine was so warm! 

One of my beautiful sisters…


fla 3


And the other beautiful sis (sorry, I just HAD to post this Mags – makes me laugh every time!)







My Dad surprised us with a 24hr visit … we decided to join him for sunrise & it was lovely.


fla 5






I spent the last week running from son’s orthodontist to hubby’s echocardiogram (everything A-O-K .. whew) to daughter’s orchestra practice.  And every spare second I was used for this…


wedding contract snippit



…putting together a wedding contract and collection pricing for my first potential BRIDE!  That’s right … I’ve booked my first WEDDING!!!  It’s November 2011, so thankfully I have plenty of time to practice and prepare.  I couldn’t be more thrilled!



And to top all the craziness off, we had a stellar weather day yesterday… upper 60’s and blue blue skies.  JUST what we all needed – a relaxing day outside.  So I sat on my bum with my camera and snapped a few pics and snoozed a little bit.  DE-lightful!


A few images from yesterday to close out this lengthy post:




Practicing my panning.  Read more about how to do this HERE.







Practicing drawing cylinders.  Architect in the making!









Just hanging out … my ‘sister golden hair’. 








We couldn’t leave Abby out!  Unfortunately she likes to ‘go on adventures’ when she’s out front, so she had to be chained.









Even Dad got in on the fun!







See me & the pretty blue sky?





Oh, and one last image … my 6th grader received her second round of straight A’s and we are so incredibly proud of her!  Krispy Kreme gives on free donut per A, so we had a pre-dinner snack after her basketball game.




I don’t care too much for donuts, but there’s NOTHING like a hot Krispy Kreme!!



Have a GREAT Monday and I’ll see you soon!




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